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What to see in a trip to Prague

2021-02-19 08:24:52

If you wondered about going on a trip to Prague anytime soon, you must know it is a city with an historical heritage and a cultural variety that will leave you astounded and you will want to know even more about this beautiful capital. We have warned you!

What you should know before your trip to Prague

When you want to fully enjoy a trip, you should take under consideration these facts about Prague:

  • The best season for a trip to Prague is spring, specifically in May or June. During these months less tourists can be found and the prices are lower. However, if you if you tolerate the cold well, snowy Prague in winter is an unforgettable experience.
  • We recommend to move around the city on foot. This small city allows to go walking from one point to another. In case it is necessary to take any transport, use the tram and buy the 30 minutes ticket.
  • The best area to stay in Prague is the District 1. The most centric zone and, luckly, Prague has a very economic accomodation offer. Remember the tourist taxes are around 0,60 EUR pernight and per person.

Places you must visit during you trip to Prague

Prague Castle

It’s more than just a castle, it’s considered a small city inside Prague. Known for its great size and its history full of fires and invasiins, nowadays its an essential visit when going to Prague. These are all the spots you should see around the castle:

  • Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, based on the gothic style.
  • Royal Palace. Everyday at 12 PM you can see the Changing of the Guards of the Royal Palce, where the actual President of the Czech Republic lives.
  • Saint George Basilic, based on a baroque style and with a particular charm.
  • Lobkowitz Palace and its marvellous statue exposition.
  • Golden Lane, famous for its colorful facades.
  • Dalibor Tower, an old prison of the Prague castle.
  • The south Gardens, an idyllic place to wander after the tour around the castle.
Prague Castle
Prague castle

District of Malá Strana

Located next to the castle is the quarter with most charm of Prague thanks to the ancient baroque buildings and the colorful facades. In this area you can visit Saint Nicholas Church, John Lennon’s wall and Franz Kafka’s Museum.

But the most amazing places from Malá Strana are the following ones, where the best views of Prague and its charming atmosphere can be found.

  • Petřín Hill.
  • Vrtba Garden.
  • Kampa Island.
Visit in Prague
Malá Strana district

Charles Bridge

This bridge is one of the most popular architectural elements of Prague thanks to its attractiveness accompanied by the two gothic towers. The Charles Bridge is full of curiosities: it is said it has endured at least five floods and, when it was built, the first stone must be placed exactly on July 9th of 1357 at 5:31 AM, making its date a reversible number (135797531).

Tourism in Prague
Sunset on Charles Bridge

Prague’s Old Town Square (Staré Město)

No one can travel to Prague and miss these historical tourists attractions that are located in this area of the city. The Old Town Square is a huge square surrounded by the following buildings that don’t go unnoticed:

The Old Town Hall and its world-known Medieval Astronomical Clock (Prague Orloj). Legend has it that the governors decided to blind Hanus, the author of the clock, so he can not repeat such a beautiful work.

The Gothic Church of Our Lady before Týn is the church that comes up to our minds when thinking about Prague. Is a building of gothic style considered one of the most important churches of Prague. It is located just in front of the Town Hall and it’s enclosed by houses.

The Powder Tower leads us to the 13th Century when it was one of the thirteen gates that access the city. It’s name was given when in the 18th Century it became a military warehouse of powder. Nowadays it’s the main entry of Prague’s Old Town.

City game Prague
Church of Our Lady before Týn

Prague’s Synanogues

While it’s true that Prague is a city full of history, in part is because it’s old jewish quarter. When the city was occupied during the World War II, the synagogues were conserved as an intention to become a jewish museum in their memory

  • Pinkas Synagogue, located in the entry of the Jewish Cementery.
  • Klaus Synagogue, the largest of the area.
  • Old New Synagogue, the oldest active one of the jewish quarter.
  • Maisel Synagogue, rebuilt in a baroque style.
  • Spanish Synagogue, named after its similarity to the Spanish Alhambra.
  • High Synagogue, located in the first floor of the jewish quarter town hall.
  • Jerusalem Synagogue, curiously different from the others because its espectacular facade.
Free tour Prague
Jerusalem Synagogue

New Town (Nové Mesto)

Is indispensable walk through the Wenceslao Square so it’s one of the most historical squares of the city. In 1989 took place the demonstration that lead to the start of the Velvet Revolution and the end of the comunism in Prague. Not known for its beauty, this square has a nice ambient of restaurants and shops.

The Dancing House is known for its particular shape that was designed in 1997 by Frank Gehry. Nowadays is a city symbol and you should not end your trip to Prague until you have seen it.

In your way to the New Town you can pass by the State Opera, the Franz Kafka sculpture, the Mucha Museum, the Comunism Museum and the National Theatre.

Trip to Prague
The Dancing House

Letna Park

A little far from the city centre, the beautiful Letna Park can be found. This place is ideal to walk, to rest, to picnik and to enjoy the amazing view of the city and the river that surrounds it.

Best places in Prague
View from Letna Park

A different proposal for a trip to Prague

The cultural intensity of Prague, its beauty and the history of all its locations turns this city in a place full of enigmas and curiosities to discover. You can visit all the locations above in an alternative way with our city games!

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Franz Kafka Prague
Franz Kafka’s sculpture

Tour “Discovering Prague’s charms”

This route in Prague is perfect for a family trip. From the Castle to the New Town, visit all the attractions of this city as long you and your team solve riddles about each emblematic place. Want to play this game?

Familiar trip Prague
Prague’s charms