How to install a shortcut to the Enigmas Tour App in your smartphone.
  1. We recommend using Google Chrome to assure you have the best experience possible. You can download Google Chrome for your device in Google Play. 
  2. Launch Google Chrome and go to
  3. Tap the menu icon (3 points in the upper-right corner).

    Shortcut Android Enigmas Tour

  4. Click on “Install app”.

    Shortcut Android Enigmas Tour

  5. You’ll be able to enter a name for the shortcut and then Chrome will add it to your home screen. Thus, you can access much more quickly to the app.
  6. ¡Time to play!

  1. Launch Gogle Chrome and open the app.
  2. Tap the Sharing icon (in the the bottom, the square with an arrow pointing out of it).

    Create a shortcut Android


  3. Tap “Add to Home Screen”.
  4. You’ll be able to enter a name for the shortcut and then Chrome will add it to your home screen. Thus, you can access much more quickly to the app.
  5. ¡Time to play!